Sunday, August 16, 2020

Another Round

Another Round
Another Round - 8 x 6 Oil on Gessobord
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This is the third in my series of beverage bottles. The still life setup for this one sat in my still life box for a couple of weeks before I got around to it.  I think part of the reason I kept putting it off is because I wasn't looking forward to the precise drawing required, with the symmetry, ellipses, lots of straight lines.  It's not easy.  And so when I got to the finishing stage (past the drawing and block-in stages) I began to enjoy painting it so much more. 

Again, love some of the artsy labels you see on beer and wine bottles, and like the challenge of simplifying just enough to capture it without adding every detail.   I think I tightened up a bit on this one, but still happy with how it came out.

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